Today, was just like any other day, except that we didn't have any power. For 10 hours to be exact. Last night we had a terrible storm, and when we awoke we found that our street was covered in tree branches. This is not an uncommon sight in our area. Last year I watched as the huge cottonwood tree next door got hit by lightning. I literally saw sparks and fire, and then a huge branch fall to the ground. It was a blessing that it didn't hit anything, or anyone. Anyway, with no power for most of the day, the neighborhood suddenly came alive. Most everyone decided to sit outside and visit with each other. This is an uncommon sight. I even got the chance to see our next door neighbor's wife, that I have never seen or met, for the 4 years we've lived here. Everyone was commenting on the storm, while the men cleared the branches from the street. It made me think of how life should be. Or at least, the way life used to be. It was a nice treat, for those 10 hours or so, and the weather was perfect. Sun shining, and not too hot. Perfect visiting weather. I can't say that I hope the power goes out again, any time soon, but it sure was nice for today. As you can see by my post, the power is back on, and everyone is again, inside their little comfort zones. How sad that makes me, as I look out across the street to the house where everyone just a few hours ago, gathered to chat, because there was nothing better to do.
In a way, I hope it happens again....soon.

Saturday, May 31
Friday, May 30
Little Picassos
This is Truthseeker's take on Cubism. Age 6
This is Skaterboy's take on Cubism. Age 15.
I think they both did a great job, don't you?

Labels: budgeting, housekeeping, sticker charts
Backyard Painting
As most of you know, I am very fond of art. I was an art major in college for 2 years. I still enjoy art, and still do some dabbling in it, for fun, from time to time. One of the things I want to impress on my children, and one that Charlotte Mason's teachings recommend, is to study the famous artists. We started our art study a few months ago, with Pablo Picasso. I asked the kids who they wanted to start with, and the answer was of course, Picasso. We studied his painting called "Three Musicians", and learned all about cubism. Each of the kids painted their own picture using the cubist style. I will will post their paintings later.
Our second painter we learned about was Jackson Pollock, who is famous for his modern style painting called "Lavender Mist". Jackson Pollock was an American citizen, and died at the age of 44, in 1957. He is considered one of the most well-known Abstract Expressionists in our country.
His style of painting is better known as "splatter painting". Below are pictures of the kids painting their own pictures using the "splatter paint" technique. Of course, I sent them outside to do this one.

Our second painter we learned about was Jackson Pollock, who is famous for his modern style painting called "Lavender Mist". Jackson Pollock was an American citizen, and died at the age of 44, in 1957. He is considered one of the most well-known Abstract Expressionists in our country.
His style of painting is better known as "splatter painting". Below are pictures of the kids painting their own pictures using the "splatter paint" technique. Of course, I sent them outside to do this one.

Labels: budgeting, housekeeping, sticker charts
Thursday, May 29
My views on Obama, and why I will not be voting for him. .
I don't really like to get political with my blog, but this man has gone too far, in my opinion. I realize that I hail from the same state that this man occupied as a political figure, but I am not proud of that fact. This man sickens me from the core of my body.
I feel that I have a moral obligation to spread the word to those who may not know much about this man, and are considering voting for him.
Many of us grow weary of those who don't view our children as Scripture does - a blessing and a reward. But on March 29th, Obama claimed that some children (those born out of wedlock) are more than a burden - they're a punishment. I guess that's why he sees nothing wrong with allowing infants to be murdered only seconds before they're completely born. In fact, he's also against banning the murder of those who miraculously survive abortions.
"While in the Illinois state Senate, Mr. Obama voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. This Act addressed cases where, during an abortion procedure, the live infant was actually born. The act would have banned killing the living child." - Washington Times
"He [Barack Obama] has opposed the Supreme Court decision that finally upheld the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act against that form of infanticide. Most startlingly, for a professed humanist, Mr. Obama in the Illinois Senate also voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act . . . . Furthermore . . . [Obama] “voted to kill a bill that would have required an abortionist to notify at least one parent before performing an abortion on a minor girl from another state.” . . . - Nat Hentoff of the Washington Times
'In answering a question about abortion while campaigning in Iowa last year, the always-deliberative Mr. Obama said: "I think the American people struggle with two principles. There's the principle that the fetus is not just an appendage, it's potential life..."'
Potential life?
Testimony of a nurse who participated in a partial birth abortion procedure:
"The baby's little fingers were clasping and unclasping, and his little feet were kicking. Then the doctor stuck the scissors in the back of his head, and the baby's arms jerked out. ... The doctor opened up the scissors, stuck a high powered suction tube into the opening, and sucked the baby's brains out. ... Now the baby went completely limp. He threw the baby in a pan, along with the placenta, and the instruments he had just used."
It is no surprise; when many Christians don't live like they believe children are a gift from the very hand of God, society soon follows suit. Only now, society, and many of its beloved leaders, has gone beyond viewing children as burdens. Now they are "punishments" - mistaken bits of refuse worthy of death.
"They even sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons and shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan; and the land was polluted with blood." (Psalm 106:38, NKJV)
I feel that I have a moral obligation to spread the word to those who may not know much about this man, and are considering voting for him.
Many of us grow weary of those who don't view our children as Scripture does - a blessing and a reward. But on March 29th, Obama claimed that some children (those born out of wedlock) are more than a burden - they're a punishment. I guess that's why he sees nothing wrong with allowing infants to be murdered only seconds before they're completely born. In fact, he's also against banning the murder of those who miraculously survive abortions.
"While in the Illinois state Senate, Mr. Obama voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. This Act addressed cases where, during an abortion procedure, the live infant was actually born. The act would have banned killing the living child." - Washington Times
"He [Barack Obama] has opposed the Supreme Court decision that finally upheld the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act against that form of infanticide. Most startlingly, for a professed humanist, Mr. Obama in the Illinois Senate also voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act . . . . Furthermore . . . [Obama] “voted to kill a bill that would have required an abortionist to notify at least one parent before performing an abortion on a minor girl from another state.” . . . - Nat Hentoff of the Washington Times
'In answering a question about abortion while campaigning in Iowa last year, the always-deliberative Mr. Obama said: "I think the American people struggle with two principles. There's the principle that the fetus is not just an appendage, it's potential life..."'
Potential life?
Testimony of a nurse who participated in a partial birth abortion procedure:
"The baby's little fingers were clasping and unclasping, and his little feet were kicking. Then the doctor stuck the scissors in the back of his head, and the baby's arms jerked out. ... The doctor opened up the scissors, stuck a high powered suction tube into the opening, and sucked the baby's brains out. ... Now the baby went completely limp. He threw the baby in a pan, along with the placenta, and the instruments he had just used."
"Then they shall answer and say, ‘Our hands have not shed this blood, nor have our eyes seen it." (Deuteronomy 21:7, NKJV)
It is no surprise; when many Christians don't live like they believe children are a gift from the very hand of God, society soon follows suit. Only now, society, and many of its beloved leaders, has gone beyond viewing children as burdens. Now they are "punishments" - mistaken bits of refuse worthy of death.
"They even sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons and shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan; and the land was polluted with blood." (Psalm 106:38, NKJV)
Labels: budgeting, housekeeping, sticker charts
political views
Wednesday, May 28
Memorial Day and My Hometown...
Many people can live in a town for a long time, and not realize that someone so profound, lives there. I grew up in Antigo, WI. A small town, in which I am proud to have belonged. In my younger years, I had heard of John Bradley, and his association with Iwo Jima. Although I had also heard that he didn't like to talk about it much. This didn't surprise me, as my own father, who was stationed in Taiwan, during the Vietnam War, doesn't like to talk much about that, either.
About a year ago, my dad encouraged me to watch the movie that was created by John Bradley's son. It really explained why it was so hard for Mr. Bradley to talk about his time at Iwo Jima.
My Grandmother's husband, was also at Iwo Jima, during that time. He has since lost his memory due to Alzheimer's, but one thing I remember most about him, was how he talked and talked about his time in Iwo Jima. How ironic it is, that a man that was well known in a small Wisconsin town, would be in the same place, at the same time, as a man that I consider my grandfather.Here is an excerpt from The Antigo Daily Journal, printed on Memorial Day 2008. It tells of this man, John Bradley, and what he means to patriotism today. I hope those of you from Antigo, and those of you that have previously lived in Antigo, enjoy that which is printed below.
Hidden Places: Stunning model rescued from attic
May 24, 2008
Tom Bradley remembers the story well.
“I was playing with my friends up in the attic and we found this big old wooden box,” he says. “Well, of course we had to see what was in it.
“I came running downstairs and told my dad, ‘hey, did you know there was a statue of Iwo Jima in our attic?’ My dad asked, ‘Didn’t I have a big chair on that crate?’ I said yes.
“He said, ‘well put it back’.”
Thus lies the tale of one of Antigo’s greatest treasures, truly hidden for decades and decades.
And as the nation commemorates Memorial Day, it is a fitting subject for a not-so-lighthearted visit by the Hidden Places crew.
Today, thanks to the best-selling book, ”Flags of Our Fathers,” written by his son, James, and the movie of the same name, the nation knows the story of John Bradley. He was a private businessman, who years before carving out a life for himself and family in Antigo, was among the six men who raised the flag over Iwo Jima’s Mt. Suribachi in a scene immortalized by Associated Press photographer Abe Rosenthal.
Literally millions have seen that famous Iwo Jima image and millions more have looked in awe on the Marine Corps War Memorial in its likeness that dominates Arlington National Cemetery.
But only a handful of people realize that tucked in a quiet hallway off the Bradley Funeral Home’s main lobby, there is on display the original plaster model of the Iwo Jima Memorial, signed and presented by sculptor Felix De Weldon to John Bradley many years ago.
“It’s the only one that I know of,” John’s son, Steve, says.
For those who truly don’t recall the story, a quick recap.
The battle of Iwo Jima lasted from Feb. 19, 1945 until March 26, 1945 and was marked by some of the fiercest fighting of the Pacific campaign. When it was all done, the Americans had suffered 6,821 casualties with 19,683 missing or wounded. The Japanese lost 20,703, almost the entire fighting force.
It was by all accounts, horrific.
The U.S. had been expecting a fairly straightforward rout of the much smaller Japanese force, and were battered by the enemy’s dug-in fortifications and wily tactics. Located on the island’s south side, Mount Suribachi was a tactical goal defended by the Japanese heavy artillery and an extensive network of underground tunnels.
On Feb. 23, 1945, Marine patrols managed to ascend Suribachi’s summit, with American flag in hand.
Rosenthal got the shot, actually of the second banner, and the rest, as they say is history.
There are six flag-raisers in the shot—Ira Hayes, Franklin Sousley, Mr. Bradley, Harlon Block, Michael Strank and Rene Gagnon. Mr. Strank, Mr. Block and Mr. Sousley died shortly afterwards while Mr. Bradley, Mr. Hayes and Mr. Gagnon became national heroes within weeks.
They led a war bonds tour that raised $24 billion for the military efforts, the largest total ever, and boosted the morale of the home front at a time when the war was far from won.
Mr. Bradley eventually returned to Antigo, prospered as the owner of the Bradley Funeral Home and gave generously of his time and money to local causes. He was married for 47 years and had eight children.
(An aside here gentle readers: The reporting crew at the Antigo Daily Journal had an outstanding working and personal relationship with Mr. Bradley through his business and philanthropic efforts for many decades. He was a true gentleman—his sons follow in his footsteps—and the word “courtly” does not even begin to describe his persona. John was a class act.)
What Mr. Bradley was not was a publicity hound. Reticent in nature, that has given rise to the mistaken notion that he was not proud of his Iwo Jima service. Nothing could be further from the truth. His was a patriotism that ran deep and fierce, exhibiting itself in his careful respect for the flag—a tradition his sons continue today—and his love of family and community.
As the Antigo Daily Journal wrote at the time of his passing, “If the famous flag-raising at Iwo Jima symbolized American patriotism and valor, Bradley’s quiet, modest nature and philanthropic efforts shone as an example of the best of small town American values.”
Back to the tale.
Just a few days after Rosenthal’s image flashed across wirephoto machines in newsrooms across the nation, Navy Petty Officer Felix de Weldon got his first look at the picture. De Weldon was an Austrian immigrant schooled in European painting and sculpture assigned to studios at Patuxent Air Station in Virginia to paint a mural of the Battle of the Coral Sea.
Jim Bradley wrote in “Flags” that “de Weldon could not take his eyes off the photo. In its classic triangular lines, he recognized similarities with the great ancient statues he had studied.
“He reflexively reached for some sculptor’s clay and tools. With the photograph before him, he labored through the long night. By dawn he had replicated the six boys pushing a pole, raising a flag.”
Just two days after the photograph was first seen, members of the U.S. Senate called for a national monument modeled on the image. The California State Legislature petitioned the federal government to build a memorial and thousands of ordinary Americans wrote to the president appealing for the project.
Soon, actual work commenced on creating a cast bronze memorial based on the photo, a painstaking and slow process. The surviving flag-raisers , Mr. Bradley included, posed for their likenesses, with pictures used to recreate the images of the three men who had died in the battle.
The completed statue rose 110 feet from the ground and weighed over 100 tons. The six figures averaged 32 feet in height, carrying rifles 16 feet long. The monument cost $850,000—the equivalent of $6.8 million today—totally covered by private donations. It was the world’s tallest bronze statue.
De Weldon used an unusual approach, first building the figures; bone structures with a steel framework and then adding sinew and skin and finally the uniforms and equipment.
The effect stunned onlookers—including Mr. Bradley, Mr. Hayes and Mr. Gagnon—who attended the unveiling on Nov. 10, 1954.
James wrote that his father recalled the moment as “awesome...The statue was just so huge, so impressive, I could hardly believe it was a reality.”
James suggested that at that moment, his father began to remove himself from public life.
“People around him noticed that he seemed already to have receded from the whirl of voices and faces around him,” James wrote.
Weeks, or perhaps months later, the wooden crate arrived by railroad, a final gift from Felix de Weldon to his favorite flag-raiser.
“Felix took a liking to my dad,” Tom recalls. “After the dedication, Felix boxed up the working model and sent it to him”
For four decades it never came out of the crate.
Mr. Bradley stored the sizable box for a time in the basement of the funeral home, then on Sixth Avenue and Clermont Street. When workers complained about having to shift the rather heavy packing crate around to get at equipment, he shipped it a few blocks east to his Fifth Avenue home, installed it in the attic, and added the heavy chair for good measure.
There it stayed, and stayed, and stayed.
A couple years after Mr. Bradley’s death, his two sons in the business, Steve and Tom, constructed a new funeral home on Neva Road.
The Bradley sons say it never really crossed their minds to have any sort of Iwo Jima tribute in the funeral home—their father had ingrained his reticence at that sort of display into them at a young age.
But their mother, Betty had a simple request.
“She said that she thought it would be appropriate if the statue was displayed,” Steve says.
And so, bowing to the matriarch, Steve and Tom modified plans and turned a storage closet into a tastefully lit alcove.
Today, protected by a simple velvet rope, the model stands atop a catafalque covered in dark fabric. The brothers have added four flags—representing the United States, the Marine Corps in honor of the five Marines who participated in the flag-raising, and the Navy, Mr. Bradley’s branch of service.
A fourth flag is also prominent. It is the Gold Star Mother banner, in honor of those who lost their sons on the Iwo Jima shores.
Mr. Bradley’s long-shrouded statue is hidden no more. Now, it serves as a tasteful reminder of a man, a moment in history, and a sense of enduring patriotism.
Some tales must be told, and some things deserve to see the light of day.
(Hidden Places is a weekly feature of the Antigo Daily Journal that examines some of the more unusual, unknown, or unexplored places, people and events of Langlade County and occasionally farther afield. The crew would like to thank the Bradley family for their willingness to share the story of the Iwo Jima model. To suggest an idea or offer a comment, call Lisa or Debbie at the Antigo Daily Journal, 623-4191, or e-mail them at
Labels: budgeting, housekeeping, sticker charts
home town living
Sunday, May 25
I am so Sad...
I just read on a friend's blog that my favorite Christian singer's daughter was killed accidentally last Wednesday. Her teenage brother backed over her in the driveway, with his SUV. It is so heart wrenching when something like this happens, and it seems so senseless. Last Friday, I watched an episode of Oprah, on this very subject. Please, I beg you, if you are reading my blog, anytime you are on your way to go somewhere, walk behind your vehicle before getting in. It could save a life. This very thing almost happened to us a few weeks back, when we went to pick up our new entertainment center. The truck was loaded full, and we decided to back into the driveway, instead of pull in forward. Before I knew it, my husband gasped, and I said what? He said that Thumbody was behind the truck. Before we could even see him, Thumbody had dashed out of the house, and was behind the truck. It nearly made me sick. Thank goodness Scott looked behind him before he continued to back up. This is so serious, and Oprah said is one of the leading causes of accidental death among young children today. So please, please, watch out for those little ones.
Here is the link to Stephen Curtis Chapman's blog about his daughter Maria:
Please keep these babies safe... I beg you!!!
Here is the link to Stephen Curtis Chapman's blog about his daughter Maria:
Please keep these babies safe... I beg you!!!
Labels: budgeting, housekeeping, sticker charts
life saving information...
Sorry... I am having problems downloading photos
I'm not sure what happened, but the other night I as I was downloading my most recent scrapbook pages in the Creating Keepsakes Gallery, I found that my last download wasn't going through. Then today I was trying to download some cute pictures I had taken at the park of Thumbody, and the computer won't let me download those either. I think I might know the problem, but it will take me a little while to fix it. I think that a program my oldest son downloaded, is making our system perform very slow. Much to his chagrin, I may have to delete it.
Yesterday was very busy, as we all drove 5 hours to Marion, IL for a nice relaxing picnic. It was a long drive, but a very scenic one, and one the boys enjoyed immensely. When we returned home, at around 6 p.m., Thumbody was asleep. After laying him down in his bed, unpacking the van, and starting dinner (easy jar sauce spaghetti, and butter bread), we were exhausted. Scott stayed up with Truthseeker, and after reading my email, I went to bed.
Today has been pretty uneventful. The kids are napping, and Scott is watching a movie. I have been searching the internet for a good salmon recipe for tonight. I haven't found one yet, so I better keep looking. I may just use the recipe I usually use, if I can't find anything better. My allergies are really bad today. The cottonwood trees are blowing their pollen everywhere. I noticed that my eyes were itching for the first time this year, yesterday, and today they were itching as well. But, I took my Ivy Extract, and I am feeling fine now. For those of you who have never tried it, I highly recommend it. I found the herbal supplement when I was pregnant with Truthseeker. I couldn't take my usual medications that I usually took for my allergies, and a friend suggested these. I purchased a huge bottle of the tiny green pills, and believe it or not, that same bottle has lasted over 6 years. They work fabulously, and with no side effects. They also take care of all my symptoms, and not just a few of them, like Allegra and Zertec did. I love them, and they are all natural, and I believe organic. Anytime I can take an all natural product vs. a manufactured product, I am all for it. These really work.
So anyway, this afternoon, Scott and I pitched the huge red rug that was under our kitchen table, as we figured out that the awful smell we were encountering was the dog's pee pee. He was using the rug as a potty. I never realized he was doing it. I am always sweeping and vacuuming the rug, I'm surprised I never noticed it before now. I guess he thought the rug was a fire hydrant. Well, now we know better. Scott then scrubbed the kitchen floor (he's so much better at it than I am) and it now smells so nice in there again.
The sun is starting to shine. It rained most of the morning. I wonder if we'll get a chance to go outside and till some more on the garden. I really need to start planting. My pansies in the huge pots out front are starting to come up, and my lilies are blooming like crazy. My new plants that I transplanted last week are fairing well so far, although they are still looking a bit droopy. Does anyone know if I should be giving them extra water to make them more lively? I have been watering them every other day, which may not be good enough, considering that they are a transplant.
I hope that the few people that read this, have a great Memorial Day Weekend with their families.
Yesterday was very busy, as we all drove 5 hours to Marion, IL for a nice relaxing picnic. It was a long drive, but a very scenic one, and one the boys enjoyed immensely. When we returned home, at around 6 p.m., Thumbody was asleep. After laying him down in his bed, unpacking the van, and starting dinner (easy jar sauce spaghetti, and butter bread), we were exhausted. Scott stayed up with Truthseeker, and after reading my email, I went to bed.
Today has been pretty uneventful. The kids are napping, and Scott is watching a movie. I have been searching the internet for a good salmon recipe for tonight. I haven't found one yet, so I better keep looking. I may just use the recipe I usually use, if I can't find anything better. My allergies are really bad today. The cottonwood trees are blowing their pollen everywhere. I noticed that my eyes were itching for the first time this year, yesterday, and today they were itching as well. But, I took my Ivy Extract, and I am feeling fine now. For those of you who have never tried it, I highly recommend it. I found the herbal supplement when I was pregnant with Truthseeker. I couldn't take my usual medications that I usually took for my allergies, and a friend suggested these. I purchased a huge bottle of the tiny green pills, and believe it or not, that same bottle has lasted over 6 years. They work fabulously, and with no side effects. They also take care of all my symptoms, and not just a few of them, like Allegra and Zertec did. I love them, and they are all natural, and I believe organic. Anytime I can take an all natural product vs. a manufactured product, I am all for it. These really work.
So anyway, this afternoon, Scott and I pitched the huge red rug that was under our kitchen table, as we figured out that the awful smell we were encountering was the dog's pee pee. He was using the rug as a potty. I never realized he was doing it. I am always sweeping and vacuuming the rug, I'm surprised I never noticed it before now. I guess he thought the rug was a fire hydrant. Well, now we know better. Scott then scrubbed the kitchen floor (he's so much better at it than I am) and it now smells so nice in there again.
The sun is starting to shine. It rained most of the morning. I wonder if we'll get a chance to go outside and till some more on the garden. I really need to start planting. My pansies in the huge pots out front are starting to come up, and my lilies are blooming like crazy. My new plants that I transplanted last week are fairing well so far, although they are still looking a bit droopy. Does anyone know if I should be giving them extra water to make them more lively? I have been watering them every other day, which may not be good enough, considering that they are a transplant.
I hope that the few people that read this, have a great Memorial Day Weekend with their families.
Labels: budgeting, housekeeping, sticker charts
memorial day
Friday, May 23
$50 you say..... ?

Labels: budgeting, housekeeping, sticker charts
Wednesday, May 21
Old Friends :)

Labels: budgeting, housekeeping, sticker charts
Tuesday, May 20
Thinking Outside The Box
I will have to admit that I am not one who likes to think outside the box, and lately I have been doing a lot of that. I recently completed a wonderful book called The Hidden Art of Homemaking by Edith Schaeffer, and am now about 3/4 of the way through For The Families Sake by her daughter Susan Schaeffer Macaulay. Both are wonderful books, although I think that The Hidden Art of Homemaking suggests more concrete ideas, than For The Families Sake. I haven't read For The Children's Sake yet, by the same author, but I have heard that it is a great homeschooling resource. I will refer to The Hidden Art of Homemaking first, as it is fresh in my mind, and I have completed the book. Basically, it gives you the encouragement you need to create beauty where ever you are. In every room of your house, every hotel you visit. It suggests that you take a bit of "homey" beauty with you. It states that beauty can be expressed through music, books read aloud, home decor, fashion, food... you name it. Now these suggestions are not Martha Stewart suggestions, although most of us would secretly like to be as creative as she. These suggestions are down to earth, and deal with the fact that we are able to create beauty with what we have, because at some point in time, these things were beautiful to us, otherwise we wouldn't have them to begin with. It also suggests that creating beauty from things we are tired of, will give us a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. For example, a table that needs to be refinished can be made into a new beautiful piece of furniture without much money at all, just a little elbow grease. A few rooms can be brightened with fresh flowers from the grocery store. It's all in separating and arranging them. Framed children's artwork, can be works of beauty on your walls. Gentle music played in the background can set a calming mood for your day. Basically, thinking outside the box, with the things you have right now, and either rearranging them, or making something new with them.
Now, I am not saying that we should never get rid of anything, because that would be just nuts, but I am saying that living with what we have vs. buying new stuff, makes sense to me.
So I started making changes in my home. The kids have been painting pictures, and I have repainted some decorative pieces that I had that were not matching my current color scheme. The kids and I have been studying famous artists, Shakespeare, and listening to the great composers. It's been fun. I will post some photos later today.
Creating your own creative outlet is something that Ms. Schaeffer suggests, in any area that excites you. It is scrapbooking for me. It kind of relates to what Stacy Julian of Simple Scrapbooks always says. "To challenge yourself, you need to think outside the box." She always says that in order to make scrapbooking a fun hobby, you have to give yourself a challenge, and complete it. So I decided that I was going to create some scrapbook pages using only scraps of leftover paper and cardstock. I left my usual scrap room, and grabbed my Rubbermaid tub (that is full) of scraps, adhesive, a box of generic stickers and embellishments, scissors, a few markers, a stapler, and went to the kitchen table. I hunted for papers that went together, and attached them, and made quite a few beautiful pages. Pages that I am sure I would not have completed without challenging myself. Best of all, it was fun. Very fun. More fun than I had had in a long time scrapbooking. I feel that it is important for those of us who stay at home, to challenge ourselves in many areas, in order to feel fulfilled.
Cooking... Last night, I decided to challenge myself in the kitchen. We are running a little low and groceries, and payday isn't until next week, so on Sunday, I made a list of everything we had in our pantry and freezer, so I could figure out what I could make with what I had. So last night, I made turkey meatballs, "real" risotto (takes forever to make, but was really really good...), and fresh cauliflower. I also made a Jello cake for dessert. I probably would not have made any of those things without challenging myself.
Yesterday for breakfast, I made homemade oatmeal, with cinnamon, brown sugar, and applesauce. This morning I was less enthusiastic, and we had strawberry yogurt with Grape Nuts on top. I also made bran and banana nut muffins from mixes I had on hand.
It's all about trying to be content with what we have. I read that on Merranda's blog, and have been meaning to tell her that those words are so encouraging for all of us, in our throw-away society. It's so important for us to do our part.
Have a GREAT DAY!!!

Now, I am not saying that we should never get rid of anything, because that would be just nuts, but I am saying that living with what we have vs. buying new stuff, makes sense to me.
So I started making changes in my home. The kids have been painting pictures, and I have repainted some decorative pieces that I had that were not matching my current color scheme. The kids and I have been studying famous artists, Shakespeare, and listening to the great composers. It's been fun. I will post some photos later today.
Creating your own creative outlet is something that Ms. Schaeffer suggests, in any area that excites you. It is scrapbooking for me. It kind of relates to what Stacy Julian of Simple Scrapbooks always says. "To challenge yourself, you need to think outside the box." She always says that in order to make scrapbooking a fun hobby, you have to give yourself a challenge, and complete it. So I decided that I was going to create some scrapbook pages using only scraps of leftover paper and cardstock. I left my usual scrap room, and grabbed my Rubbermaid tub (that is full) of scraps, adhesive, a box of generic stickers and embellishments, scissors, a few markers, a stapler, and went to the kitchen table. I hunted for papers that went together, and attached them, and made quite a few beautiful pages. Pages that I am sure I would not have completed without challenging myself. Best of all, it was fun. Very fun. More fun than I had had in a long time scrapbooking. I feel that it is important for those of us who stay at home, to challenge ourselves in many areas, in order to feel fulfilled.
Cooking... Last night, I decided to challenge myself in the kitchen. We are running a little low and groceries, and payday isn't until next week, so on Sunday, I made a list of everything we had in our pantry and freezer, so I could figure out what I could make with what I had. So last night, I made turkey meatballs, "real" risotto (takes forever to make, but was really really good...), and fresh cauliflower. I also made a Jello cake for dessert. I probably would not have made any of those things without challenging myself.
Yesterday for breakfast, I made homemade oatmeal, with cinnamon, brown sugar, and applesauce. This morning I was less enthusiastic, and we had strawberry yogurt with Grape Nuts on top. I also made bran and banana nut muffins from mixes I had on hand.
It's all about trying to be content with what we have. I read that on Merranda's blog, and have been meaning to tell her that those words are so encouraging for all of us, in our throw-away society. It's so important for us to do our part.
Have a GREAT DAY!!!
Labels: budgeting, housekeeping, sticker charts
Saturday, May 10
Happy Mother's Day Mom and Grandma!!!!

-Your Cinderella
Wednesday, May 7
Sorry I've been MIA...
I have actually been pretty busy. We have been buckling down with the kid's schoolwork, and trying to fit in everything we have needed to accomplish for the year. I don't teach during the Summer so the kids actually get a break from school, like all their friends that are not homeschooled. Looks like we will be through the first or second week of June. For those of you who are wondering. Skaterboy will be going to his grandparent's house in Missouri for some of the Summer to help his Papa wire houses. This will be quite an experience for him as it is officially his first "real" job.
A few weeks ago, I got the chance to explore Decatur a little with a friend of mine, and we had a wonderful time window shopping, and just touring the town. I told Scott I wanted to go to Decatur for Mother's Day and take the kids to the zoo, and have a picnic lunch at the park. I have discovered that they have the best playground and picnic area there. The playground is all made of wood, and it is simply huge. There are lots of levels, like a giant fort, with lots of fun things to do inside. I just think the young ones will love it. I hope the weather is nice.
Tomorrow is our annual homeschool coop picnic at the park. It will be fun to see the kids run around and enjoy themselves with each other. I know I am sounding bias, but homeschooled kids are just so friendly and polite. They are kids that you just want your own kids to hang out with. Not that nonhomeschooled kids are bad, some are just as wonderful. Skaterboy's best friend who lives down the road, is one of the most polite boys I have ever met, and I believe I would trust him in any situation. He is perfect for Skaterboy to hang out with. He has been a great influence on Skaterboy, and has influenced his behavior and attitude in a good way. Skaterboy has been friends with him for about 4 years now, as he attends the school that Skaterboy used to attend, and was in the same class.
Monday, my friend Michelle is coming over, and we are going to redesign my yard. Michelle has a degree in landscaping, and I am so excited to see what she has planned. Scott has been busy tilling up different areas so I am able to plant what I need to when she get here. I know she has quite a few extra perennials for me. It will definitely take work, but I am excited to see the end result. I just planted Pansies in my 2 big planters out front, and I plan to plant my vegetable garden next week. Of course, the kids always like to plant their own little patch, for which I have enjoyed letting them do for the past few years. Two years ago, Truthseeker's little garden fared much better than mine, with certain vegetables. I just love the Summertime, and gardening, and just being outside. Don't you?
I think I will go now, I need to get busy with other stuff. Saturday morning, Skaterboy and I are sneaking out of the house to go mushroom hunting out in the woods. Last week, when he was out exploring with a friend, he came home with a plastic grocery bag half full of Morels. They were so good. We plan to spend a couple hours out there getting what we can before the season ends.
By for now! Amy
A few weeks ago, I got the chance to explore Decatur a little with a friend of mine, and we had a wonderful time window shopping, and just touring the town. I told Scott I wanted to go to Decatur for Mother's Day and take the kids to the zoo, and have a picnic lunch at the park. I have discovered that they have the best playground and picnic area there. The playground is all made of wood, and it is simply huge. There are lots of levels, like a giant fort, with lots of fun things to do inside. I just think the young ones will love it. I hope the weather is nice.
Tomorrow is our annual homeschool coop picnic at the park. It will be fun to see the kids run around and enjoy themselves with each other. I know I am sounding bias, but homeschooled kids are just so friendly and polite. They are kids that you just want your own kids to hang out with. Not that nonhomeschooled kids are bad, some are just as wonderful. Skaterboy's best friend who lives down the road, is one of the most polite boys I have ever met, and I believe I would trust him in any situation. He is perfect for Skaterboy to hang out with. He has been a great influence on Skaterboy, and has influenced his behavior and attitude in a good way. Skaterboy has been friends with him for about 4 years now, as he attends the school that Skaterboy used to attend, and was in the same class.
Monday, my friend Michelle is coming over, and we are going to redesign my yard. Michelle has a degree in landscaping, and I am so excited to see what she has planned. Scott has been busy tilling up different areas so I am able to plant what I need to when she get here. I know she has quite a few extra perennials for me. It will definitely take work, but I am excited to see the end result. I just planted Pansies in my 2 big planters out front, and I plan to plant my vegetable garden next week. Of course, the kids always like to plant their own little patch, for which I have enjoyed letting them do for the past few years. Two years ago, Truthseeker's little garden fared much better than mine, with certain vegetables. I just love the Summertime, and gardening, and just being outside. Don't you?
I think I will go now, I need to get busy with other stuff. Saturday morning, Skaterboy and I are sneaking out of the house to go mushroom hunting out in the woods. Last week, when he was out exploring with a friend, he came home with a plastic grocery bag half full of Morels. They were so good. We plan to spend a couple hours out there getting what we can before the season ends.
By for now! Amy
Labels: budgeting, housekeeping, sticker charts

Labels: budgeting, housekeeping, sticker charts
Loose Teeth!

Truthseeker is so excited that he finally has 2 loose teeth. The bottom 2. See the 2 tiny adult teeth popping up behind the loose ones? BTW that isn't a cavity on the lower right side, he had just been eating M&Ms.
Labels: budgeting, housekeeping, sticker charts
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