We started school the day after Labor Day. M in 10th grade, H in 2nd grade, and E in Junior Kindergarten. Every one's been working very hard, and I believe they have been learning a lot. M is currently studying Polynomials in Algebra; Kingdoms, Species, Class, Genre, etc... in Biology; Learning about the Aztecs in Spanish, along with the general stuff (you know...El numeros, Dias de la semana, Meses del ano, and Estaciones... Plus the all favorite... El Juramento a la Bandera).
He is studying Mesopotamia and the Near East in World History. He is currently reading Walden by Thoreau, and Sherlock Holmes by Doyle, and Greek Mythology. His outside classes consist of PE, and Speech/Debate.
Last night he went to see a play at the University about Emmett Till, and the start of the Civil Rights Movement. Very powerful, he said. He met with other homeschoolers in a discussion group after.
H is doing general 2nd grade work: Reading, Phonics, Literature, Math, Health, Science, American History, Spanish, Art, and Music.
E is working hard at learning his letters, and the sounds they make. Learning his numbers, and handwriting. He is also learning Spanish with the other boys, and cutting/pasting as well.
In late September, Scott was given a 4 day weekend for working extra hours, and just as a special treat. They love him there. We decided to take a small vacation to Chicago, and do some sightseeing. We took the kids to Legoland, and to the Museum of Science and Industry. We stayed at a really great Holiday Inn with a holidome attached. I have to say that it was the cleanest hotel we have ever stayed at. Pretty impressive. The pools and jacuzzi were exceptionally clean, and the nice restaurant next door provided us with a free buffet breakfast every morning.

Last night, the Marvelous Mama's (a mom and kids group we belong to), went out to a night club. Mamas only... no kiddies. We had such fun! What a great group of ladies to hang out with. I can't remember laughing so hard in such a long time. The Cafe'tini's were super yummy too. I think I'm going to have to try making these at home. Yum!
Well, I better sign off for tonight. I will be posting more photos related to the ones I just posted soon. Night... Night... Tomorrow is church and another Fall Festival. This time with a bonfire and hay rack rides. Thursday night is our MM's Halloween Party. Saturday we are Trick-or Treating with my best friend and family, while M helps out at our Church Halloween Outreach party. We will be stopping by that too, after trick or treating.
Besides all the homeschooling, field trips, and such. I have started babysitting for another family every weekday, and then I have Z on Thursdays as usual. So, most of the week I have 6 kids, and one day a week I have 7. It's been fun though, and it's helping out financially too, which is always good.