I don't actually know what is more exciting. Going to your own prom, or having your child attend his first prom. Yesterday morning almost felt like we were getting ready for a wedding. Everything was centered around when his date was getting her hair done, was the formal ready to wear, showers taken, flowers attached. It was a pretty amazing day. The Grand March is always held outdoors on the local courthouse lawn. It is also taped and played continuously throughout the following week, on our local broadcasting channel. There were tons of people there, so I am glad that we got to the courthouse early. Beautiful music played in the background as each couple was announced as they walked down the steps and under the arch.

M is all ready to leave to get his date. She is actually on the phone, telling him when to come.

M and T. Beautiful couple. I am partial, but I think they were the best looking couple there.

T's dress was gorgeous. I'm so glad that the traditional prom dresses are back in style. Mine in high school was very big and billowy too. An experience you never forget. I thought about all the proms I went to, a little bit yesterday. Seems like yesterday.

This is my favorite photo. They look so good together. Awww......

I love this one too, on the courthouse lawn. I said a little prayer before he left, yesterday afternoon, that he would have a great time, and be safe. He did, on both accounts.