Wednesday, June 18

8th Grade Graduation a Huge Success

Last Saturday, Scott and I hosted the 2008 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony at our home. It was a cookout/potluck/swim party. A lot of people from our local homeschool coop attended.
As you can see from the photos, there were a lot of people here, and these photos were taken just as the party started. About 15 more people showed up, after these photos were taken. The yard was a mass of guests. It was an enjoyable time.
Our Kindergarten graduate. Skaterboy wore this cap and gown, when he graduated kindergarted, however he was a bit smaller than Truthseeker at that age. I remember the gown reaching mid-calf on Skaterboy, and as you can see, it is at Truthseeker's knees. This is a photo of my parents and Truthseeker.
Here is a photo of both of our boys, with their other grandma. My dh's mom.
Everyone enjoyed the cookout, and enjoyed the beautiful day God had provided for us.
The pool was a mass of kids, and got quite a workout. Our pool is on the small side, compared to many pools, but the kids enjoyed it, all the same.
Beating the heat, and having fun in the pool.
The 8th Grade Graduating Class of 2008 - LIAHE Homeschool Coop Group.

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