Friday afternoon we drove up to Weldon Springs State Park to go camping with our Church. We had such a nice time visiting with everyone and praising God, in all his glory. The weather was perfect. This picture is of Thumbody and I at our campsite.

Our dog Nana really enjoyed camping with us.

Truthseeker showing my how strong he is.

Thumbody also wanted to show me how strong he was.

Movie Star!!!

Thumbody helps Daddy string the poles.

Waiting patiently to fish.

Truthseeker fishing. He says he got 20 nibbles. In actuality it felt like he got over 100 nibbles. They were really biting, but were very quick and very smart. After about an hour of baiting the hook with worms for him, I decided to let him pick the most colorful lure he wanted out of Daddy's tackle box, since it was unlikely he was going to catch anything.

Thumbody fishing. Notice his "Red Green" shoes? The bottom fell off his sandal the 2nd day we were there, so we duck taped it back on. I figured, we were camping, who cares what he looks like.

The beach at Clinton Lake.

Thumbody swimming with Daddy.

Truthseeker swimming. He is never without his goggles.
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