Truthseeker turned 7 at Nonnie and Papa's house.

He had a Clone Wars Birthday Party. Little did I know, that the movie is so new, that I had a hard time finding decorations for the party. I had to improvise.

Truthseeker with his Clone Trooper cake. I had to use a Boba Fett cake pan. (If you know my husband at all, you will understand why we have a Boba Fett cake pan.)

A nice family photo by the lake. I am soaked in this photo as it was taken immediately after we had water balloon fights. Or should I say, an attack Mommy fight. Don't ask... Wax Lips!!!

When we returned home, Truthseeker was treated (along with us all) from his other grandma, a trip to see the Clone Wars movie. I have to admit, it was pretty good, for a Star Wars movie. I hope my husband doesn't read this, he IS an addict! Needless to say, it has rubbed off on our children.

Truthseeker, and a bit of Thumbody, in the theatre, after the movie. What a great and memorable birthday!
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