I went to my GI appointment on Monday, and nothing has really been revealed yet, but I suspect that there is something seriously wrong with me. I recall my previous doctor saying at one point in time, that if your nails start looking rigged, then you have a problem. My nails have been rigged for awhile now. Not too bad, but none the less, they are indeed rigged, especially my thumb nails. I do suspect what the doctor will reveal to me on the 29th when I have my upper endoscopy scheduled. I am just hoping that it isn't too bad yet. I know that I am only speculating, and that I don't know yet what is going on inside me, but I know that I am not feeling healthy, and that honestly scares me.
I haven't taken good care of myself for about 10 years. I used to, but time and taking care of other people and stuff, got in the way. I forgot about taking care of myself. I simply forgot. I just hope it's not too late.
Simple Woman’s Day book ~ January 15, 2009
Outside my window. . . Bright and sunny, but bitter cold. 10 degrees outside right now. Public schools were closed today, however our home school was open. We have about 5 inches of snow.
I am thinking. . . about my health, and how I need to get back on course. Not sure where to start right now, but I know that I need some insight as to where to begin. Hopefully that will be revealed to me soon; about my Mom, who is in Seattle, WA right now for my great Uncle Harold's funeral. He was my Godfather.
I am thankful for. . . My BIL's safe return home from Iraq; my family; and my home.
From the schoolroom. . . Reading and phonics lessons, math assessment, computer work, and social studies for Truthseeker; No lessons for Skaterboy, because he completed all of today's lessons yesterday; playdoh fun with Thumbody.
From the kitchen. ... Pancakes for breakfast; grilled cheese and applesauce for lunch; and soup and sandwich for dinner. Scott is taking Skaterboy to a church retreat this afternoon, and won't be home, so it's just the little boys and I, for dinner tonight.
I am wearing. . . burgundy velour pants, and black tee top. I am barefoot.
I am creating. . . Still hat's and mittens. Still working on my Christmas scrapbook. I completed 10 pages at the retreat last weekend. Hopefully I will get a chance this evening to work some more on it. Still have lots of mending and sewing projects that need finishing, as well.
I am going. . . No where. Scott and Skaterboy are leaving for Northern Illinois at 5:30 (he is driving the Van Hook's 12 passenger van up there) along with the rest of the youth from our church. Truthseeker is outside playing with a neighbor friend.
I am reading. . . Still reading the same books. Need to finish For the Children's Sake: Foundations of Education for Home and School (Child-Life Book) for our Charlotte Mason book club meeting on Jan. 22.
I am hoping. . . Scott gets this job he interviewed for yesterday, and that nothing is found in my endoscopy on the 29th. I am also hoping that I can take some steps toward making Christ central in my life again, and transforming my life into the one he has planned for me.
I am hearing. . . the washer, dryer, and dishwasher.
Around the house. . . There is so much that needs to be done that I can't even begin to list where I need to start. Yes, it has gotten that bad lately. Time to dig my way out.
One of my favorite things. . . Sipping tea, and reading some of my favorite blogs.
A few plans for the rest of the week. . . Not too much this weekend. Grocery shopping tomorrow morning; cleaning house, and organizing tomorrow; painting hallway tomorrow (hopefully); and church Sunday. I haven't thought about next week yet. I guess I should.
A photo I feel like sharing.... This is a picture that Skaterboy took of himself. He is changing daily into quite a nice looking man. All those cute little childhood features are fading away, and in it's place are the defining features of a soon-to-be young man.

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