Hi and welcome to my scrap room :)

This area is part of the color organizing system that I use inspired by Stacy Julian. I use the same color bins she uses. Mine are from
Walmart and I believe I paid $3.99 a piece for them. Maybe $4.99. I can't remember, but not more than that. In these bins I use the same color sorting technique she uses. I do put my color letter stickers and chipboard in my bins. I do have a jar in each bin that I use for small items, although mine are mason jars. They are labeled with the appropriate color ribbon, as well. My center bins are for storing other items such as deco scissors, punches, powder embossing items, borders, and photo mats (which are also sorted by color vertically). Above this small bookshelf (
Walmart, $15.00); is a poster from Stacy's Photo Freedom book that illustrates how her photo tracking system works. Mine is still a work in progress.

Because I have more bins than shelves, I put 3 more color bins on this green plastic shelving unit. I think it was given to me, so I can't tell you how much it cost. On this shelving unit I have my 3 least used color bins, which are pink, purple, and multi-color. I have all boys, so I don't get to use these very often. Multi-color is a bin I store striped and misc. color items that I can't find a place for in the other color bins. On these shelves I store my pizza boxes, flowers (in an XL mason jar), misc. tools, pens, inks, and a bin for misc. chipboard on the bottom.

This is the bottom section of a wooden LP record stand. I actually got it for free from someone who used to own a record store. If you can find one of these, it is perfect for
scrapbooking, in my humble opinion. On the bottom shelf of this record stand I store my stamps, dry embossing plates, paint, photo boxes, and misc. ribbon.

I prefer to vertically file my paper. I have a lot of paper, and it always ends up taking too long to find what I am looking for when I file horizontally. Filing vertically makes looking for just the right paper very easy. I file my paper by color. Each slot of the LP record stand is 12x12 because LP records were 12x12. So I use 1 slot per 2 colors of paper divided by a piece of chipboard in between each color. I also use the extra slots for misc. items such as page protectors, stencils, and large 12x12 chipboard pieces.

This is my photo filing system. It is not Stacy's system. I saw it in a
scrapbooking magazine once, and I can't remember whose system it is. I am thinking maybe it was Heidi
Swapp or Becky Higgins. Possibly Ali Edwards. Anyway, it is a bill paying file system. I purchased it from Target for $20. I have a recipe card posted on one end of the file system that tells me what is in each file slot. Each are numbered accordingly. Such as #1 is January photos, #2 is February photos. After #12 which is December, I start in with #13 Birthdays, #14 Christmas, etc...

In one section of my LP record slots I keep my scraps. I rarely throw a scrap away, unless it it too tiny to use. I a sort these by color as well, and keep them in 2 gallon size
ziplock bags. Mine are acid-free as they are from
CTMH paper packs that I have collected and saved over the years.

These are my pizza boxes. They are from Club Scrap. I currently have a membership with them, and so I save the boxes that the kits come in. I use these for my holiday memorabilia, simply because I don't want to see Christmas items every time I pull out my red and green bins. My color bins are mainly stored with general items that can be used for any layout or theme. I keep anything pertaining to specific holidays (including baby and birthday) in these boxes. It also makes it easy if I need to make a card for someone. I just pull out one of these pizza boxes and can make a card quite efficiently.

Lastly, this is where I store my tiny items such as buttons, brads, eyelets, jewels, charms, etc. I was given this storage system, but I've seen them in the tool dept. at discount stores. They are mainly used for storing small screws, or nuts and bolts. I sort by color in these as well. I labels each drawer with a small scrap of
cardstock, and simply keep all those tiny
scrapbooking items in there. I am missing 1 bin so I keep my chalks in there. On top I store misc bottled items that I don't want to spill such as crystal
staz-on cleaner, and ink spray cleaner.
Well, thanks for stopping by. I hope I helped in some capacity. I think it's important to remember that Stacy's method is a great method, but as she always says that you have to make it work for you. So if some area of her system doesn't work for you, there are other ways that might. This is my version of her system. Hope you enjoyed!!!
Now back to the festival!!!
Hi! I got to your blog from a comment you posted on the BPS Big Idea Festival board. Thanks for sharing your organization system. Comprehensive and very cool!
Thanks for sharing! I followed your link from BPS. I love seeing how people organize their supplies. So inspiring!
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