Wednesday, December 26

Green Christmas

Yes, it is sad but true. We did indeed have a green Christmas this year. The weather in central Illinois has never been consistent, therefore I am not surprised, but just disappointed. It just didn't seem like Christmas, with 50 degree temperatures, and a green front lawn. I was hopeful that it would be white, as only a week ago, we did have a compilation of 5+ inches.

So we had Christmas, and it was nice. The kids proclaimed that they got everything they wished for. And so we succeeded in bring joy into the faces of our children. Since they only receive 3 presents each, from Scott and I, they are asked to list only 3 items they wish for, hence the satisfaction.

Everything was just lovely, that I received as well. Scott did great this year. I have such an insightful husband, he listens very well over the year, and knows what my tastes are quite well. This year I received the Mother and Son, Willow Tree collectible, that I have been wanting. It is of a mother and a teenage son. I already have the mother and baby, and the mother holding two small children. Although there are other Willow Trees I would personally love to have, I feel that at least, my children's collection is complete. I also received from him, a craft light, for my scrap booking desk. It projects the light in just the right way, to portray colors perfectly. I have wanted one for quite some time. The light in the family room, is quite dim anyway, and so this was a much needed gift as well. And lastly (my 3rd gift), he bought me the cutest snowman cookie jar, from the Cracker Barrel store. I just love snowmen, and would love to find a way to incorporate them into my home decor all year. I haven't figured out how to do this yet, so any suggestions would be appreciated.

With all this Christmas hub bub, add moving my dh's mom, brother, and son, into an apartment across town. Yes, we have had house guests for 15 days now. Surprisingly, I have kept my cool, and have not run away from home yet. Close.... but not. Someone once told me, that house guests are like a dead rat, after about 3 days, they both start to smell. This I know to be true, in more ways than one. You see, I can put up with my MIL's cackling laugh, and her annoying habit of continually doing my laundry, on the wrong wash cycles. Or her brothers annoying habit of nosing into conversations, and incessant chatter. But, worst of all, is their disgusting hygiene. My MIL doesn't make my dh's brother, or her brother shower on a regular basis. She also doesn't enforce them to wear deodorant. I don't know if she thinks that because they mentally are about 7 years old a piece, that she should treat them as such, but they stink. Really bad, and they make my house stink. We have deodorant here for them, but it is a fight to get them to wear it. They are like 7 year olds with attitude. It's such a dilemma, because we have 3 children of our own, and making sure they keep up their hygiene is our main concern, add 2 more, and running a household with 8 people in it, can drive you nuts. I am grinning and bearing it, and hopefully Scott will have their beds together tonight, so they can stay at their apartment by Friday. That is my goal. Then it's fumigation time.

I am trying not to over consume myself with all of this, as my MIL means well, and has an extremely giving heart. While moving, she has given us her refrigerator, so now we have 2. Her stove, which is much nicer than our stove, her outdoor table and chairs, her outdoor glider swing, her water softener, as we don't have one, and a brand new huge generator. Plus, numerous other items, I haven't listed. I am very grateful to her for these things, and it will be nice to have them just across town.

In our Christmas letter I sent out this year, I stated that we had a rough 2007. This is true. We not only lost my FIL in May, but his aunt in November, and 2 dogs. I am requesting that 2008 be better. It can't get much worse, that's for sure.

One thing I am pleased about, is that I finally figured out how to put pictures into my blog, so that they are no longer at the bottom.

That's all for now, and if I don't get back to this before next Tuesday. Happy New Year!

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