It is a Bailey family tradition to have the children pick out the tree of their choice at the local tree farm and cut it down. This is generally an enjoyable tradition, and therefore we have continued doing it. However, this year, after the experience we had with this particular tree, we may plan differently next year. You see, this beautiful 7 footer in the above photo is the "perfect tree" that the children so enthusiastically chose this year. Looks beautiful, doesn't it? But, as most things are, beautiful on the outside, and not so beautiful on the inside, as was this tree.
You see, we let Skaterboy cut the tree down this year, and he did the
most wonderful job, cutting the tree down, you would have thought he had done this before.

We put it on the truck, had it shaken out, paid for, and drove the mile or so, home. Once home, Scott and Skaterboy carefully carried the tree inside. It was picture perfect. We placed it in the stand, screwed all the bolts real tight, and low and behold, the tree nearly fell over. Scott caught it before it hit the ground.
We never thought to look at the trunk of the tree before we cut it. It was "crooked like a question mark" as Forrest Gump would say. Twisted all the way up.
So, after cutting 2 feet off the base of the tree, it stood, like it should. Scott said it was the biggest PITA. But it's there as a reminder of our perfections, as human beings, that something that looks sweet, isn't always sweet, but quite often bitter.
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