Yesterday, the boy who made me a mother, turned 16. How can that be? What a joy these 16 years have been! Love ya kid!
Sending up prayers...
Well, just when you are thinking that everything is going smoothly, the rug gets pulled out from under you. I haven't been blogging lately, because I just finished a 10 week Beth Moore study on the book of Isaiah. The study was called "Breaking Free". After 10 weeks of Biblical and Spiritual enlightenment, I was truly filled with the Holy Spirit, and felt that I could pretty much take on anything Satan had to throw at me, because God had my back. I still feel that way, but am not as excited as I was a week or two ago.
I had heard many a time from various people, that when a person feels at one with Christ, that's when Satan starts throwing poisonous darts at you. Well, not in those words, but I am sure you know what I am saying. Anyway, I was truly excited to be at one with God. Nothing could shake that. I felt that surely God was saying that He was "well pleased" with what I was doing, and how I was acting. Oh how we should never question God's reasoning or timing? "I am learning, Lord, please stay with me!"
So about 2 weeks ago, Satan started throwing his darts, which I knew he would, but felt I was ready for whatever he threw. Now, I am questioning my reasoning. First our dryer broke. We couldn't really afford a new dryer, so we started looking for used dryers. None to be found at a reasonable price. Then a nice man at church said he thought that there was an extra dryer in the basement of a home he was working on, and said he would ask the owner if he wanted to sell it. The owner said yes, for $50. So we received a nice "fairly new" dryer, that works great, on my birthday. So the following day I started to catch up on our laundry that had been piling up, and 2 days later, our washer broke. Uggghhh... annoying, but the piece that had broken on it, had broken a couple years ago, and we ordered a new piece on-line from the factory, and Scott had installed it, good as new. So I knew we could do that again. I felt that I was handling the situation quite well, even with all the stresses that were being thrown upon me. I recognized them right away, and knew that God was in control. Everything would work out just fine.
Yesterday morning, at 8 a.m. my dear sweet husband called. I could tell something was wrong in his voice, and asked what was bothering him. He began to tell me that the head boss was there, and basically told everyone that their company would be shutting down, for good, on Dec. 31. Okay, right then and there, I started to panic. I had wondered over the weekend if his company would be effected by the Home Depot stores that were reported to be closing after the holidays this year. My dh's company supplies all the Home Depot stores with their lumber. I had also heard from one news reporter that it was all a big hoax, and that the long list of stores that were closing was not true. Well, as of yesterday, it was confirmed, with Home Depot, anyway.
This was a huge "poisonous dart" thrown at us. All the questions have arrised, and I have calculated what I could. They are giving each employee $500 extra dollars on their last paycheck, as a sort of severence pay. Not much for 10 years of service, is it? So my dh will be entering the job market again, after 10 years with a company that he really enjoyed working for. He's a good forklift driver. The best! I am sad to see it all end. I know that God has a plan for our family, and although, I don't know that plan, I am still praising Him, and sure that He has something even better for us in His sights.
All that has happened, reminds me of a verse I memorized during my Bible study class.
Isaiah 58:11 says: The Lord will guide you always. He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land, and strengthen your form. You will be like a well-watered garden. Like a spring whose waters never fail.
I believe this verse. He will take care of us. He will satisfy our needs while we follow this path He has set before us. We will be fine. Better than fine! I know that whatever plan He has for us will make us better than we are now.
Please pray for our family, and that Scott finds a new job soon after Jan 1. The jobs are scarce here, so we really need a miracle.
I had heard many a time from various people, that when a person feels at one with Christ, that's when Satan starts throwing poisonous darts at you. Well, not in those words, but I am sure you know what I am saying. Anyway, I was truly excited to be at one with God. Nothing could shake that. I felt that surely God was saying that He was "well pleased" with what I was doing, and how I was acting. Oh how we should never question God's reasoning or timing? "I am learning, Lord, please stay with me!"
So about 2 weeks ago, Satan started throwing his darts, which I knew he would, but felt I was ready for whatever he threw. Now, I am questioning my reasoning. First our dryer broke. We couldn't really afford a new dryer, so we started looking for used dryers. None to be found at a reasonable price. Then a nice man at church said he thought that there was an extra dryer in the basement of a home he was working on, and said he would ask the owner if he wanted to sell it. The owner said yes, for $50. So we received a nice "fairly new" dryer, that works great, on my birthday. So the following day I started to catch up on our laundry that had been piling up, and 2 days later, our washer broke. Uggghhh... annoying, but the piece that had broken on it, had broken a couple years ago, and we ordered a new piece on-line from the factory, and Scott had installed it, good as new. So I knew we could do that again. I felt that I was handling the situation quite well, even with all the stresses that were being thrown upon me. I recognized them right away, and knew that God was in control. Everything would work out just fine.
Yesterday morning, at 8 a.m. my dear sweet husband called. I could tell something was wrong in his voice, and asked what was bothering him. He began to tell me that the head boss was there, and basically told everyone that their company would be shutting down, for good, on Dec. 31. Okay, right then and there, I started to panic. I had wondered over the weekend if his company would be effected by the Home Depot stores that were reported to be closing after the holidays this year. My dh's company supplies all the Home Depot stores with their lumber. I had also heard from one news reporter that it was all a big hoax, and that the long list of stores that were closing was not true. Well, as of yesterday, it was confirmed, with Home Depot, anyway.
This was a huge "poisonous dart" thrown at us. All the questions have arrised, and I have calculated what I could. They are giving each employee $500 extra dollars on their last paycheck, as a sort of severence pay. Not much for 10 years of service, is it? So my dh will be entering the job market again, after 10 years with a company that he really enjoyed working for. He's a good forklift driver. The best! I am sad to see it all end. I know that God has a plan for our family, and although, I don't know that plan, I am still praising Him, and sure that He has something even better for us in His sights.
All that has happened, reminds me of a verse I memorized during my Bible study class.
Isaiah 58:11 says: The Lord will guide you always. He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land, and strengthen your form. You will be like a well-watered garden. Like a spring whose waters never fail.
I believe this verse. He will take care of us. He will satisfy our needs while we follow this path He has set before us. We will be fine. Better than fine! I know that whatever plan He has for us will make us better than we are now.
Please pray for our family, and that Scott finds a new job soon after Jan 1. The jobs are scarce here, so we really need a miracle.
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