December 30, 2008
Outside my window. . . Bright and sunny. The snow is melted after Saturday night's storm. It's about 45 degrees outside. Feels very much like Spring.
I am thinking. . . Baby Stellan, McMama's baby who is so very sick with RSV. I remember when Truthseeker had it as a baby. He was 6 mo. old, and luckily we already had a nebulizer for Skaterboy's asthma, so I started using it on Truthseeker right away. His pediatrician said that my quick thinking kept him out of the hospital. Thank goodness. Baby Stellan is only 2 months old though, and really needs prayers. He's a very sick little baby. You can click on her blog on my sidebar.
I am thankful for. . . A very nice Christmas last week, coffee in the morning, and having my husband home over the holidays (which is a first). It's actually been very enjoyable having him here all day. I know this can't last forever, so I am relishing it now, while I can.
From the schoolroom. . . We are on Christmas break until Jan. 6, however I am planning to download next semesters assignment this afternoon, so I am all ready to start up again next week.
From the kitchen. ... Leftover oatmeal fritters for breakfast; ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch, chicken Parmesan for dinner tonight.
Leftover Oatmeal Fritters
Any leftover oatmeal (2-3 cups)
3/4 to 1 cup flour
1-2 eggs
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
Oil to fry fritters.
Mix all ingredients. drop by spoonful into hot oil in a skillet. Dust with either white, brown, raw, or powdered sugar.
I am wearing. . . Pale green long sleeved Eddie Bauer tee, black knit slacks, and slippers. Hair is combed, no make-up.
I am creating. . . Hat's and mittens. I completed the pajamas and ornaments in time for Christmas, but wasn't able to finish everything else. I am also getting ready for the annual weekend scrapbooking retreat that my friend Cindy holds every year. I am so excited to go. I hope to get a lot of scrapping done.
I am going. . . Hopefully on a walk this afternoon with my husband and the little ones. I can't count on Skaterboy coming with us. I'm sure it cramps a teenager's style to be seen out walking around the neighborhood with his parents.
I am reading. . . Still reading the same books. I really haven't had a chance to read much lately with all the Christmas stuff going on.
I am hoping. . . That Scott finds an awesome job, that Stellan gets better, that nothing else breaks for quite some time. Everything is working great now. Knock on wood...
I am hearing. . . My littlest one making squeaking sounds while playing in the other room, a train going by outside, and all else is quiet. This means that my load of laundry has finished washing and I need to throw it in the dryer.
Around the house. . . Need to finish my Christmas letter so I can get my cards in the mail tomorrow. I also have mending, mopping, and baking to do this afternoon. I also need to clean the bathrooms.
One of my favorite things. . . Getting outside in the bright sunlight, sitting by a cozy fire in the fireplace, listening to praise and worship music, and reading other people's blogs. I learn so much from them.
A few plans for the rest of the week. . . Church Christmas Pageant performances at 2 nursing homes in town. Pizza party afterward. Skaterboy will be attending a youth New Year's Eve party at the church. Family New Year's Eve party tomorrow night. We never go out on New Year's Eve, but always have people here. Getting together with friends on the 1st.
A photo I feel like sharing.... This little ornament that Truthseeker made in Sunday School class totally makes me smile every time I see it. As you can see, it's of Jesus, and I truly believe that Jesus is really filled with as much joy as Truthseeker's portrayal of Him. Isn't it just lovely?

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