Simple Woman’s Day book ~
Outside my window. . . Happy Ground hog's Day! The weather has been nice today. Sunny and quite warm. Most of the snow that has accumulated over the past week, is melting.
I am thinking. . . About all the lost jobs here recently. The neighbor across the street was talking with Scott this morning, and told him that after 35 years of service to his company, they laid him off last week. We have another friend whose husband is working for Caterpillar, and wondering if after 20 years of service, he will be laid off soon. There simply are no jobs available right now anywhere it seems. Scott has been looking everywhere for work, but most places have a freeze on hiring right now. It doesn't look good. I am optimistic that we will survive, however. At least I am still working doing respite care in my home. So some additional income is coming in, and I just got a raise. Praise God!
I am thankful for. . . The peace that passes all understanding.
From the schoolroom. . . . Truthseeker learned all about groundhogs today, and put together a lap book about them. He predicted that the groundhog would see his shadow today, by reasoning that he could see his shadow, so therefore, the groundhog must be able to see his as well. I thought he was pretty smart to be able to reason that at 7. He was thrilled when he found out that he was correct in his prediction. Reading, math, and science, also planned for him. Social studies test tomorrow. For Skaterboy, History and geography research papers, algebra, science and English tests tomorrow.
From the kitchen... Breakfast: Cereal and toast for the kids; toast and mashed avocado for me. Lunch: Cheese pizza. Supper: Chicken salad wraps with left-over baked chicken from last night, coleslaw, roasted fries and fresh vegetables in olive oil, salt and pepper.
I am wearing. . . Black jeans, burgundy turtleneck, navy blue hoodie. I am barefoot.
I am creating. . . Last week was a nightmare, as far as my creativity was concerned. Not getting much in this area done lately. I am still hopeful, however. Still planning on sewing these for Samuel's birthday which was a few days ago.
I am going. . . Need to go grocery shopping. Mainly need to pick up some gummy candy for our big "gummy" basket the kids are creating for our 4-H auction and spaghetti dinner next Sunday afternoon. Meeting is tonight at 6:30 p.m. I have my respite care child until 6 p.m. tonight.
I am hoping. . . That it is in God's plan that Scott gets a great job soon. If not, we are prepared, as we are saving most of our tax refund, to live on this coming year, if and when his unemployment ends. We are living day to day. Hopeful that the president will come up with something new to help those unemployed.
I am hearing. . . The dryer, Scott putting things away in the kitchen, and Zach.
Around the house. . . Still trying to finish up our bedroom; the family room is in desperate need of rearranging; the kid's room need cleaning.
What I have done this past week: Gave a huge bag of baby things away to freecycle. org; dusted every nook and cranny in our living room; vacuumed every nook and cranny in our living room and hallway. Yes, down on hands and knees. I threw away a ton of old magazines that I was holding onto for no goof reason; did quite a few loads of laundry. Oh, and I've lost 10 lbs. probably due to stress and not eating last week, don't want to gain those back. I have a goal, but I'm not going to tell you about that yet.
One of my favorite things. . . Making lists, and actually checking things off.
A few plans for the rest of the week. . . Depositing checks; paying bills; planning for the rest of the week (menu, school, activities); Catching up on chores that need completing. Maybe some time to scrapbook and sew.
A photo I feel like sharing.... Some sewing projects I finished for Christmas this past year. Stitched felt ornaments for all. Truthseeker and Thumbody's ornaments were snowmen; Skaterboy's was a cup of hot cocoa. The last photo is of pj bottoms I created out of old fleece baby blankets we had in a storage box. I am a big fan of recycling, and I wondered why I hadn't thought of sewing these sooner. The notion hit me, and I took off with it. There was enough material left over for many pairs of hats and mittens, as well, plus 2 other pairs of pj bottoms.

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