Scott started working 3rd shift last night, therefore I had a nighttime visitor all night. He was male, he was cute, and he is 5. Yes, my dear son snuck onto daddy's side of the bed during the wee hours of the night. I awoke to the front door opening (I am a very light sleeper) and to the smell of coffee brewing. I heard him wake Skaterboy up for driver's ed, and then come in by me to undress, and get ready to take a shower. (OK, maybe I didn't need to put that... I know TMI.)
After he took Skaterboy to driver's ed he went to bed. I was up before he got back, and was drinking coffee when he came in the door. The little kids finally woke up, and we had breakfast and started our school day (yes, we are still in school and will be throughout the summer). They get plenty of breaks, I promise. They just retain so much more if you don't stop for 3 months. Besides, all we are currently doing is reading and math, so their done within an hour or two.
Skaterboy is finishing his Algebra book, and American Government, and then he's done.
After they were done with school, the kids had some neighbor kids over to swim. We were supposed to have church tonight, but our minister got sick, so I had to quickly think of something for dinner, which ended up being a Banquet meal (you know, the turkey slices with gravy) and Scott made mashed potatoes, and a veg. The kids are now at their grandma's house, and I am hearing nothing. Ahhh....it's so nice once in awhile. Scott has to leave for work in about 30 minutes, and then be gone all night again. Thankfully Skaterboy is home, or I would probably be more nervous than I am. I don't like being home alone at night. I must have watched too many horror movies in my teens.
Tomorrow Scott has a doctor's appt. with his sleep apnea doctor. He hasn't seen him in a year, but he is doing so much better than he used to. It's been over a year since he's been on any medication for his narcolepsy (mind you, it was a very mild case). His cellulitis is looking better too. His leg isn't even red any more. I plan to drive him up there tomorrow because he will have worked all night, and then has to be at this appt. at 8:30 a.m. and it's 45 min. away. So we will have to leave shortly after he gets home.
I know today's post is sort of boring, but that's my life folks. The exciting parts... well, our dog is now so pregnant that she can't even get herself up on the couch by herself anymore. That's pretty exciting. Dachshund/Yorkie or Pug puppies should be coming any day now. Want one?
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