My dad was joking that he wanted to take me on this swing ride, because when I was little I used to ask him to push me higher and higher. He said that I used to squeal, "Higher Daddy, Higher". So I obliged his wishes, and got on this swing ride. Let's just say that I will never ride this again. Can you see me praying? I was. Each and every minute that this ride lasted. First, I prayed that the harness that was holding me in the swing wouldn't break, then I prayed that I would not get sick (this one I prayed, more than once), and lastly I prayed that the ride would be over soon. I had to keep my eyes closed, for fear that I would lose my cookies all over my 2 sons on either side of me. Once I got off the ride, there was no looking back for me. I didn't even want to see what was behind me. I wanted out of there.
My dad is in the yellow shirt, Skaterboy is in the orange shirt, I am in the brown shirt, and Truthseeker is barely visible. He's so tiny in that huge seat. Luckily, everyone else enjoyed the ride. My mom took this picture as she waited for us with my grandma, and Thumbody.

Skaterboy and Truthseeker on a roller coaster at
SDC. They are in the last row. It was pretty fast, and Truthseeker was thrilled that he was tall enough to ride. I have to say that hee was a bit scared afterward, I think (though he didn't really show it, in front of his big brother) because he didn't want to ride anymore roller coasters that day. His favorite ride was
Fire In The Hole, which is somewhat of a small indoor roller coaster. Thumbody did not like
Fire In The Hole, at all! It scared the juice right out of him, and I should have known it would. I remember being terrified of
Fire In The Hole when I was 5. I hated that ride, now that I remember it. I guess I deserve the "Bad Mommy Award" for not remembering. My poor baby.
Truthseeker is smiling in the photo right now, but they haven't left yet. I don't think he knows what is in store for him.

All of us (minus Scott who had to work) waiting for the saloon show to start. We had such a fun day. I just love
SDC, and we forgot to go down in the cave. I was so bummed, when it was too late to go. Well, next time the boys will be a bit older, so it will be more memorable for them then. The last two times we were at
SDC, I was pregnant, so I haven't been on a cave tour in quite some time.

Pictures of mom, dad, grandma, Truthseeker, and Thumbody.

Here's my sweet Skaterboy. This photo kind of makes me sad, since he's 16, and really has only a few family vacations left with us (as a child). I will miss him when he's out on his own, and not going on family vacations with us anymore. I hope he still will. I just don't know what I will do not being able to see his beautiful face each and every day. Oh, and he starts driver's ed on Wednesday. Homeschoolers are allowed to take driver's ed at the h.s. during the summer time if there's room for them. He and another homeschool friend of his are taking it together, so they won't be all alone, not knowing anyone.
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