Your 5 YO can milk a cow. Okay, so it's not a real cow. But he took to it like a fish out of water. Speaking of fish, you'll have to look at the last photo on this post. Very funny, and entertaining.
Thumbody spent time milking this cow at
SDC in
Branson, when we were there on vacation. Notice how the bucket says "pull gently". I mean, who wants their nipples pulled hard, right? This cow actually spewed white stuff, but I don't think it was milk. Probably chalk water, I imagine.
Thumbody enjoys steering the boats at
SDC. His brother is at the other end.

And here he is.
Truthseeker is having fun
steering the old time boats too.

What is more fun for a 5 YO than playing in a fountain? Well, anything that has water in it, in general.

This was so very funny. The last show of the night, which if you have ever been to
SDC, you know they close the park, and then start the night-time show. It changes every year, and this year was very good. Well, every year I have ever seen is good. These guys were hysterical. They are singing "Cletus Take The Reel". Too funny!

Have a great Tuesday! Scott is off today, and he is trying to get the
yard work done before tomorrow, since it's supposed to rain. The kids desperately want him to put the pool up. So he is going to try to do that today as well. This is the latest we ever put our pool up. It's usually up by Memorial Day. My garden isn't even tilled yet, and it's always planted by this time of summer each year, as well. I do have my tomato patch done, and we have ripe juicy strawberries from our strawberry patch. Our plums should be ready for picking soon too.
We have so much to do today. Still have to run to the store, finish with the yard/pool, pick up a couch for our family room, and a bunch of other things that need done. Scott has off tomorrow too, but we'll focus more inside the house tomorrow, since it's supposed to rain.
Yesterday, I planted 12 or so orange day lily plants that were given to us, in one corner of the backyard, and a yellow cone flower plant in the front yard, by our purple cone flowers. It was somewhat raining yesterday when I did this, so I was pretty much coated in mud, when I was done. I also picked quite a few strawberries from our patch for dessert last night. They were wonderful. Probably grilling out tonight. Posting more photos tomorrow :) Thanks for reading!
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